CTC independent third party investigation conclusions on misconduct allegations

For Immediate Release

January 7, 2019.

On June 21, 2018 the President of the Canadian Tamil Congress (CTC) received a formal complaint from a community member alleging serious misconduct by a former employee of CTC.

As a result, the CTC Board of Directors (BOD) retained the services of Investigative Solutions Network Inc. (ISN) to conduct an independent investigation into these allegations.  ISN has a reputation of being one of North America’s premier private security and investigative services firm (https://isninc.ca).

In particular, ISN was provided with a mandate to conduct an independent third party investigation into the allegations of misconduct, and if substantiated, determine if it was a CTC workplace issue. The scope of the investigation included conducting a series of interviews to determine the nature and validity of the complaint; determine further investigative requirements and scope of work expansion if required.

The investigator assigned was a Principal Investigator with ISN and who provides behaviour-based consulting services and specializes in corporate workplace violence and harassment investigations.  The investigations commenced on October 15, 2018. The period covered was May 2010 to December 2015.

This investigation has been concluded with all avenues to determine the veracity of the allegations having been exhausted. The investigator concluded as follows:

  • A complaint was filed with the CTC on June 21, 2018 but there is no information regarding whether the unidentified woman is aware such a complaint was ever filed on her behalf.
  • It is the opinion of the Investigator that the allegation of misconduct cannot be substantiated. Further, there is no evidence to suggest this matter is related to the employment of the employee while the employee was at CTC.

At the request of the BOD of CTC, ISN has also agreed to conduct training for the Board of Directors, Staffs, and core volunteers at CTC with respect to maintaining a respectful work environment, including gender equity, work place harassment, sexual harassment and work place violence.  We look forward to this training in February to enhance our policies and procedures.

CTC will also hold members only meetings soon to present a redacted version of the report (for viewing only) and answer any questions.

For further information, please contact:  President@canadiantamilcongress.ca

Board of Directors,
The Canadian Tamil Congress
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